I just love that little roundy top thing. I should probably find out the official name of it
after a long day of work on Saturday, Jack and I made it out to the waterfront for the tree lighting (we actually missed that) and the boat parade. It was small, but it was fun nonetheless.
this little guy kept spinning.
And I got this pleasant surprise on the way home from work earlier this week. Due to all the ICE all over my car I got to the ferry in Vallejo too late to get my bike out of the locker. I had to run about two blocks from the car to the ferry to make it on board. Thank God there was another man that pulled into the parking lot at the same time as me. He was much faster than I was, and I think was the real reason we got on the boat. Anyyyyyyhow.... since I was on foot that night, I caught this sight. I would have missed it otherwise.
We've been working like dogs to get the house all geared up to host both our families this holiday. I'll post pictures of all that once we complete everything. NO SPOILERS!
stay tuned...
The weird roundy thing is a cupola.